home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /***********************************************
- ** **
- ** ScrollerWindow.iex ©1996 Simone Tellini **
- ** All Rights Reserved **
- ** **
- ** Based on: **
- ** scrollerwindow.c 0.3 by Christoph Feck **
- ** **
- ***********************************************/
- /// Includes
- #define INTUI_V36_NAMES_ONLY
- #include <exec/nodes.h> // exec
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h> // dos
- #include <intuition/intuition.h> // intuition
- #include <intuition/classusr.h>
- #include <intuition/imageclass.h>
- #include <intuition/icclass.h>
- #include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h> // protos
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h> // pragmas
- #include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/graphics_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/intuition_pragmas.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "DEV_IE:Expanders/defs.h"
- ///
- /// Prototypes
- struct ObjInfo {
- struct Node Node;
- UWORD Kind;
- UBYTE Flags;
- Object *HorizGad;
- Object *VertGad;
- Object *LeftGad;
- Object *RightGad;
- Object *UpGad;
- Object *DownGad;
- Object *SizeImg;
- Object *LeftImg;
- Object *RightImg;
- Object *UpImg;
- Object *DownImg;
- };
- #define IM(o) ((struct Image *)o)
- #define GAD(o) ((struct Gadget *)o)
- #define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
- #define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
- static int SysISize( struct IE_Data * );
- ///
- /* Support function */
- /// SysISize
- int SysISize( struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- return(( IE->ScreenData->Screen->Flags & SCREENHIRES ) ?
- }
- ///
- /* Starting function */
- /// IEX_Mount
- __geta4 ULONG IEX_Mount( __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- BPTR DescFile;
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- static UBYTE FileName[] = "PROGDIR:Expanders/ScrollerWindow.desc";
- Forbid(); /* we're going to write to a GLOBAL variable */
- if( Desc ) { /* already mounted? */
- Permit();
- return( IEX_OK );
- }
- LibBase->Kind = IEX_OBJECT_KIND;
- LibBase->Resizable = FALSE;
- LibBase->Movable = FALSE;
- LibBase->HasItems = FALSE;
- LibBase->UseFonts = FALSE;
- LibBase->Node.ln_Name = "SCROLLER WINDOW";
- if( fib = AllocDosObject( DOS_FIB, NULL )) {
- if( DescFile = Lock( FileName, ACCESS_READ )) {
- Examine( DescFile, fib );
- UnLock( DescFile );
- if( Desc = AllocVec( fib->fib_Size, 0L )) {
- if( DescFile = Open( FileName, MODE_OLDFILE )) {
- Read( DescFile, Desc, fib->fib_Size );
- Close( DescFile );
- ( *IE->IEXFun->SplitLines )( Desc ); // VERY important!
- STRPTR pri;
- pri = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "RENDPRI" );
- if( pri )
- LibBase->Node.ln_Pri = atoi( pri );
- else
- LibBase->Node.ln_Pri = 0;
- ret = IEX_OK;
- } else {
- FreeVec( Desc );
- Desc = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- FreeDosObject( DOS_FIB, fib );
- }
- Permit();
- return( ret );
- }
- ///
- /* Edit functions */
- /// IEX_Add
- __geta4 BOOL IEX_Add( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE, __D1 WORD x, __D2 WORD y, __D3 UWORD width, __D4 UWORD height )
- {
- struct ObjInfo *Obj;
- BOOL ret = FALSE;
- for( Obj = IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; Obj->Node.ln_Succ; Obj = Obj->Node.ln_Succ )
- if( Obj->Kind == ID ) {
- Remove(( struct Node * )Obj );
- FreeMem( Obj, sizeof( struct ObjInfo ));
- return( TRUE );
- }
- if( Obj = AllocMem( sizeof( struct ObjInfo ), MEMF_CLEAR )) {
- Obj->Kind = ID; /* DON'T FORGET!!! */
- /* add our object to the list */
- AddTail((struct List *)&IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets, (struct Node *)Obj );
- IE->win_info->wi_NumObjects += 1;
- /* set the right values */
- IE->win_info->wi_Flags |= WFLG_SIZEGADGET;
- IE->win_info->wi_MaxWidth = 0;
- IE->win_info->wi_MaxHeight = 0;
- ret = TRUE;
- }
- return( ret );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_Remove
- __geta4 void IEX_Remove( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct ObjInfo *Obj;
- IEX_Free( ID, IE ); /* make sure to release all memory */
- for( Obj = IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; Obj->Node.ln_Succ; Obj = Obj->Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if(( Obj->Kind == ID ) && ( Obj->Flags & G_ATTIVO )) {
- Remove(( struct Node * )Obj );
- IE->win_info->wi_NumObjects -= 1;
- FreeMem( Obj, sizeof( struct ObjInfo ));
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_Edit
- __geta4 BOOL IEX_Edit( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- return( FALSE );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_Copy
- __geta4 BOOL IEX_Copy( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE, __D1 WORD offx, __D2 WORD offy )
- {
- return( TRUE );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_Make
- __geta4 struct Gadget *IEX_Make( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE, __A1 struct Gadget *glist )
- {
- struct ObjInfo *Obj;
- struct DrawInfo *dri;
- if(!( dri = GetScreenDrawInfo( IE->ScreenData->Screen ))) {
- DisplayBeep( IE->ScreenData->Screen );
- return( glist );
- }
- for( Obj = IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; Obj->Node.ln_Succ; Obj = Obj->Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if( Obj->Kind == ID ) {
- if(!( Obj->SizeImg = NewObject( NULL, SYSICLASS,
- SYSIA_DrawInfo, dri,
- SYSIA_Size, SysISize( IE ),
- TAG_DONE )))
- goto error;
- if(!( Obj->LeftImg = NewObject( NULL, SYSICLASS,
- SYSIA_DrawInfo, dri,
- SYSIA_Size, SysISize( IE ),
- TAG_DONE )))
- goto error;
- if(!( Obj->RightImg = NewObject( NULL, SYSICLASS,
- SYSIA_DrawInfo, dri,
- SYSIA_Size, SysISize( IE ),
- TAG_DONE )))
- goto error;
- if(!( Obj->UpImg = NewObject( NULL, SYSICLASS,
- SYSIA_DrawInfo, dri,
- SYSIA_Size, SysISize( IE ),
- TAG_DONE )))
- goto error;
- if(!( Obj->DownImg = NewObject( NULL, SYSICLASS,
- SYSIA_DrawInfo, dri,
- SYSIA_Size, SysISize( IE ),
- TAG_DONE )))
- goto error;
- int resolution = SysISize( IE );
- WORD topborder = IE->ScreenData->YOffset + 1;
- WORD w = IM( Obj->SizeImg )->Width;
- WORD h = IM( Obj->SizeImg )->Height;
- WORD bw = (resolution == SYSISIZE_LOWRES) ? 1 : 2;
- WORD bh = (resolution == SYSISIZE_HIRES) ? 2 : 1;
- WORD rw = (resolution == SYSISIZE_HIRES) ? 3 : 2;
- WORD rh = (resolution == SYSISIZE_HIRES) ? 2 : 1;
- WORD gw, gh;
- gh = MAX( IM( Obj->LeftImg )->Height, h );
- gh = MAX( IM( Obj->RightImg )->Height, gh );
- gw = MAX( IM( Obj->UpImg )->Width, w );
- gw = MAX( IM( Obj->DownImg )->Width, gw );
- if(!( Obj->HorizGad = NewObject( NULL, PROPGCLASS,
- PGA_NewLook, TRUE,
- PGA_Borderless, ((dri->dri_Flags & DRIF_NEWLOOK) && dri->dri_Depth |= 1),
- GA_Left, rw + 1,
- GA_RelBottom, bh - gh + 2,
- GA_RelWidth, -gw - 1 - IM(Obj->LeftImg)->Width - IM(Obj->RightImg)->Width - rw - rw,
- GA_Height, gh - bh - bh - 2,
- GA_BottomBorder, TRUE,
- GA_Previous, glist,
- TAG_DONE )))
- goto error;
- if(!( Obj->VertGad = NewObject( NULL, PROPGCLASS,
- PGA_Freedom, FREEVERT,
- PGA_NewLook, TRUE,
- PGA_Borderless, ((dri->dri_Flags & DRIF_NEWLOOK) && dri->dri_Depth |= 1),
- GA_Top, topborder + rh,
- GA_RelRight, bw - gw + 3,
- GA_RelHeight, -topborder - h - IM(Obj->UpImg)->Height - IM(Obj->DownImg)->Height - rh - rh,
- GA_Width, gw - bw - bw - 4,
- GA_RightBorder, TRUE,
- GA_Previous, Obj->HorizGad,
- TAG_DONE )))
- goto error;
- if(!( Obj->LeftGad = NewObject( NULL, BUTTONGCLASS,
- GA_Image, Obj->LeftImg,
- GA_RelRight, 1 - IM(Obj->LeftImg)->Width - IM(Obj->RightImg)->Width - gw,
- GA_RelBottom, 1 - IM(Obj->LeftImg)->Height,
- GA_BottomBorder, TRUE,
- GA_Previous, Obj->VertGad,
- TAG_DONE )))
- goto error;
- if(!( Obj->RightGad = NewObject( NULL, BUTTONGCLASS,
- GA_Image, Obj->RightImg,
- GA_RelRight, 1 - IM(Obj->RightImg)->Width - gw,
- GA_RelBottom, 1 - IM(Obj->RightImg)->Height,
- GA_BottomBorder, TRUE,
- GA_Previous, Obj->LeftGad,
- TAG_DONE )))
- goto error;
- if(!( Obj->UpGad = NewObject( NULL, BUTTONGCLASS,
- GA_Image, Obj->UpImg,
- GA_RelRight, 1 - IM(Obj->UpImg)->Width,
- GA_RelBottom, 1 - IM(Obj->UpImg)->Height - IM(Obj->DownImg)->Height - h,
- GA_RightBorder, TRUE,
- GA_Previous, Obj->RightGad,
- TAG_DONE )))
- goto error;
- if(!( Obj->DownGad = NewObject( NULL, BUTTONGCLASS,
- GA_Image, Obj->DownImg,
- GA_RelRight, 1 - IM(Obj->DownImg)->Width,
- GA_RelBottom, 1 - IM(Obj->DownImg)->Height - h,
- GA_RightBorder, TRUE,
- GA_Previous, Obj->UpGad,
- TAG_DONE )))
- goto error;
- glist = Obj->DownGad;
- break;
- }
- }
- FreeScreenDrawInfo( IE->ScreenData->Screen, dri );
- return( glist );
- error:
- IEX_Free( ID, IE );
- return( glist );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_Free
- __geta4 void IEX_Free( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct ObjInfo *Obj;
- for( Obj = IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; Obj->Node.ln_Succ; Obj = Obj->Node.ln_Succ )
- if( Obj->Kind == ID ) {
- DisposeObject( Obj->HorizGad );
- DisposeObject( Obj->VertGad );
- DisposeObject( Obj->UpGad );
- DisposeObject( Obj->DownGad );
- DisposeObject( Obj->LeftGad );
- DisposeObject( Obj->RightGad );
- DisposeObject( Obj->SizeImg );
- DisposeObject( Obj->UpImg );
- DisposeObject( Obj->DownImg );
- DisposeObject( Obj->LeftImg );
- DisposeObject( Obj->RightImg );
- Obj->HorizGad = NULL;
- Obj->VertGad = NULL;
- Obj->UpGad = NULL;
- Obj->DownGad = NULL;
- Obj->LeftGad = NULL;
- Obj->RightGad = NULL;
- Obj->SizeImg = NULL;
- Obj->UpImg = NULL;
- Obj->DownImg = NULL;
- Obj->LeftImg = NULL;
- Obj->RightImg = NULL;
- return; /* there could be only one object of this kind */
- /* in a window */
- }
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_Refresh
- __geta4 void IEX_Refresh( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- }
- ///
- /* I/O Functions */
- /// IEX_Save
- __geta4 void IEX_Save( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE, __D1 BPTR File )
- {
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_Load
- __geta4 BOOL IEX_Load( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE, __D1 BPTR File, __D2 UWORD Num )
- {
- struct ObjInfo *Obj;
- if( Obj = AllocMem( sizeof( struct ObjInfo ), MEMF_CLEAR )) {
- Obj->Kind = ID; /* VERY important!!! */
- AddTail(( struct List * )&IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets, ( struct Node * )Obj );
- } else
- return( FALSE );
- return( TRUE );
- }
- ///
- /* Source related functions */
- /// IEX_StartSrcGen
- __geta4 STRPTR IEX_StartSrcGen( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- struct ObjInfo *Obj;
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- if( wnd->wi_NumObjects ) {
- for( Obj = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; Obj->Node.ln_Succ; Obj = Obj->Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if( Obj->Kind == ID ) {
- wnd->wi_NeedRender = TRUE;
- wnd->wi_NoOpenWnd = TRUE;
- break; /* next window */
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return(( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "SUPPORT" ));
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteGlobals
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteGlobals( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- STRPTR string;
- if( string = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "GLOBAL" ))
- FPuts( Files->Std, string );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteSetup
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteSetup( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- STRPTR string;
- if( string = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "SETUP" ))
- FPuts( Files->Std, string );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteCloseDown
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteCloseDown( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- STRPTR string;
- if( string = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "CLOSEDOWN" ))
- FPuts( Files->Std, string );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteHeaders
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteHeaders( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- STRPTR string;
- if( string = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "HEADER" ))
- FPuts( Files->XDef, string );
- if( string = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "INCLUDE" ))
- FPuts( Files->Std, string );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteRender
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteRender( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct Descriptor Dsc[] = {
- { 'w', IE->win_info->wi_Label },
- { 0, NULL }
- };
- struct ObjInfo *Obj;
- STRPTR String;
- if( IE->win_info->wi_NumObjects ) {
- if( String = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "RENDER" )) {
- for( Obj = IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; Obj->Node.ln_Succ; Obj = Obj->Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if( Obj->Kind == ID ) {
- ( *IE->IEXFun->WriteFormatted )( Files->Std, String, &Dsc[0] );
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_GetIDCMP
- __geta4 ULONG IEX_GetIDCMP( __D0 UWORD ID, __D1 ULONG idcmp, __A0 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- return( idcmp );
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteData
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteData( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct Descriptor Dsc[] = {
- { 'w', NULL },
- { 0, NULL }
- };
- struct ObjInfo *Obj;
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- STRPTR String;
- if( String = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "DATA" )) {
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- if( wnd->wi_NumObjects ) {
- for( Obj = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; Obj->Node.ln_Succ; Obj = Obj->Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if( Obj->Kind == ID ) {
- Dsc[0].Meaning = wnd->wi_Label;
- ( *IE->IEXFun->WriteFormatted )( Files->Std, String, &Dsc[0] );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteChipData
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteChipData( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteOpenWnd
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteOpenWnd( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct Descriptor Dsc[] = {
- { 'w', IE->win_info->wi_Label },
- { 'n', NULL },
- { 0, NULL }
- };
- struct ObjInfo *Obj;
- STRPTR String;
- if( IE->win_info->wi_NumObjects ) {
- if( String = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "OPENWND" )) {
- for( Obj = IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; Obj->Node.ln_Succ; Obj = Obj->Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if( Obj->Kind == ID ) {
- ( *IE->IEXFun->WriteFormatted )( Files->Std, String, &Dsc[0] );
- /*
- This expanders provides a brand new
- Open<Window Label>Window routine for
- every scroller window.
- So far, it supports only windows with
- menus.
- */
- if( IE->SrcFlags & LOCALIZE ) {
- if( String = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "OPENWND-LOCALE" )) {
- ULONG cnt = 0;
- TEXT num[4];
- struct WindowInfo *w;
- for( w = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; w->wi_succ; w = w->wi_succ, cnt++ )
- if( w == IE->win_info )
- break;
- sprintf( num, "%ld", cnt );
- Dsc[1].Meaning = num;
- ( *IE->IEXFun->WriteFormatted )( Files->Std, String, &Dsc[0] );
- if( IE->win_info->wi_NumMenus )
- if( String = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "OPENWND-LOCALE-MENUS" ))
- ( *IE->IEXFun->WriteFormatted )( Files->Std, String, &Dsc[0] );
- if( String = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "OPENWND-LOCALE-2" ))
- ( *IE->IEXFun->WriteFormatted )( Files->Std, String, &Dsc[0] );
- }
- }
- if( IE->win_info->wi_NumMenus )
- if( String = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "OPENWND-MENUS" ))
- ( *IE->IEXFun->WriteFormatted )( Files->Std, String, &Dsc[0] );
- if( String = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "OPENWND-2" ))
- ( *IE->IEXFun->WriteFormatted )( Files->Std, String, &Dsc[0] );
- if( IE->win_info->wi_NumMenus )
- if( String = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "OPENWND-MENUS-2" ))
- ( *IE->IEXFun->WriteFormatted )( Files->Std, String, &Dsc[0] );
- if( String = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "OPENWND-END" ))
- ( *IE->IEXFun->WriteFormatted )( Files->Std, String, &Dsc[0] );
- if( String = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "EXTERN" ))
- ( *IE->IEXFun->WriteFormatted )( Files->XDef, String, &Dsc[0] );
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// IEX_WriteCloseWnd
- __geta4 void IEX_WriteCloseWnd( __D0 UWORD ID, __A0 struct GenFiles *Files, __A1 struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct Descriptor Dsc[] = {
- { 'w', IE->win_info->wi_Label },
- { 0, NULL }
- };
- struct ObjInfo *Obj;
- STRPTR String;
- if( IE->win_info->wi_NumObjects ) {
- if( String = ( *IE->IEXFun->GetFirstLine )( Desc, "CLOSEWND" )) {
- for( Obj = IE->win_info->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; Obj->Node.ln_Succ; Obj = Obj->Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if( Obj->Kind == ID ) {
- ( *IE->IEXFun->WriteFormatted )( Files->Std, String, &Dsc[0] );
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ///